Thursday, October 14, 2010


I'm just now getting over a ripping headache.  Four advils are finally kicking in.  I get these once in a while, they're cluster headaches.  They seem to stay away for long stretches and then come in a wave for a few weeks or so.  It's been a really long time since the last wave.  This new one started some weeks ago now.  They're bad man, tell you what.  It always starts above my right eye.  Then my right eye and nose start to run.  Then I start to feel nauseated, sometimes hurl.  Sometimes headache pills won't touch em, or sometimes I can't even keep em down long enough.  Can't do anything until it goes away.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  Anyone out there know of any tricks to stopping a wave of cluster headaches?  They say that eating magic mushrooms will stop a wave dead, but that's a little outside of my means.


  1. damn, I hate headaches, but have never tried shrooms

  2. That sucks to hear :( Hope you feel better

  3. i cure headaches with a nap lisntening good ambient/chillout music

  4. Sounds miserable! Drink more water!! I hear it helps.

  5. Yhea taking acid will get rid of them too, but seriously, drink water is all I can say, it usually helps me with normal headaches.

  6. yea water helps, just dont drink it cold

  7. i just had a headache but im fine now.
    get better soon :)

  8. just eat a bunch of shrooms. youll be fiiine.

  9. I hate those. Try a dark room man, light makes everything worse.

  10. sorry to hear about your headache. definitely wouldn't think mushies are the answer tho. that's one serious remedy right there

  11. can't stand headaches. good luck with that one man. good blog btw, you got a new follower.

  12. many headaches are caused by dehydration and can be cured with a glass of water... thats why aspirin directions say take with water... if the water cures your headache, you think the pills really work...

  13. I'm having headache also right now >.<

  14. Sounds like a case of bad Migraine.
    Try weed.

    Or go see a doctor... If you live in California he would probably just prescribe you some Weed.

  15. Sounds like a dangerous combo to me.

  16. Actually, both Psylocybin mushrooms and LSD have been shown to dramatically relieve cluster headaches.

    Of course, both are illegal...but also much more effective than the standard medications, from what I have been told.

  17. Try ice water ziplock bag over your eyes, and sleep.. works for me
